Friday, November 6, 2015

Should I get the iPhone 6 or the Nexus 6?

The glorious time has come where I get to pick out what kind of phone I want to purchase and i've decided between the iPhone 6 and the Nexus 6. The age old question of IOS or Android. Apples and bananas. I have spent a good deal of time on the internet looking at reviews and reading articles on the two devices and I still despite that can't make up my mind. So to help me solve my problem I took out some scrap paper and wrote down the pro's and con's of each and came up with this. (UPDATE) I think i'm gonna go with he Nexus 6!

Pro's and Con's of the iPhone 6

  • the use of iTunes for free
  • integration with mac
  • sleek design 
  • good battery
  • fast processer
  • good screen size
  • no customizations
  • not unique

Pro's and Con's of the Nexus 6

  • newest version of Android 
  • not very expensive 
  • you can customize to your specific taste
  • long lasting battery
  • advanced specs and display

  • hard to obtain at first release
  • not compatible with macs
  • the use of Micro USB to charge

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Apple Pencil

Let's get one thing clear alright I like Apple I really do but this whole Apple Pencil thing is making it hard for me to take the company seriously. I like the concept but they are a while behind, Having a devices that has to be changed after 8 hours of use  for something like that is a bit odd, It's a pencil! why should it need to be charged?! Another thing is did you see the way it get's charged, you plug it into the bottom of the iPad Pro! It freaking sticks out and could get snapped off accidentally. I think that right there is a bad design.

On top of all the bad design aspects of the Apple Pencil it comes in at $100 (USD) I'd personally recumbent getting the Apple care warranty just in case you snap the end off while charging it.

With this all being said will I be buying one? Not anytime soon. Not because I don't see a use for this in peoples lives because I can see this being a great tool for a student taking notes or for an art student but as far as i'm concerned I don't see myself finding any good uses for this device not to mention I don;t have an iPad Pro so it wouldn't really help me in that case anyway.

I hope you all enjoyed and are going to put some thought into this before purchasing the Apple Pencil.